

Varicose Veins Q And A With Maggie (Margaret Faust PA-C) | Afzal Clinics in Edina, MN

Varicose Veins Q and A with Margaret Faust PA-C: Intro: Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins that typically occur in the legs. They are extremely common and affect both men and women. Some are visible to the naked eye, and some are not. Today we have a few questions for Maggie, can you tell us a little bit about your involvement with varicose vein treatment. Maggie: In the past year and a half that I have been working here, I have seen hundreds of patients seeking treatment of varicose veins. Our patients leave satisfied with how their legs are feeling and looking after their treatment is complete. I work in the Woodbury and Edina location alongside Dr. Afzal who has performed over 6000 varicose vein procedures throughout his career. I feel confident that our team can help get your legs feeling and looking great! Question: What causes varicose veins? Maggie: Our veins have valves which help to pump the blood back to the heart. Varicose veins are caused when the valves in the veins stop working properly. When these valves are weakened or damaged, the result is pooling of blood or backwards flow, also known as reflux. This reflux in the legs is what leads to varicose veins. Question: How do I know if I have varicose veins? Maggie: Varicose veins are diagnosed through ultrasound, in addition to history and physical exam. Our ultrasound technician will scan your legs and will be able to see if you have varicose veins. Question: What are the symptoms of Varicose veins? Maggie: These are the most common symptoms of varicose vein:
Tired or aching legs
Pain in the legs
Swollen legs
Heavy feeling of the legs
Restless legs
Question: What is the treatment for Varicose veins? Maggie: Varicose vein treatment often uses a combination of treatment types to treat the different types of veins. For the long and straight veins, we will use Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) or VenaSeal. For smaller veins, we use ultrasound guided sclerotherapy which consists of injections directly into the veins. For people with bulging veins, we will use a treatment called phlebectomy to remove these. Based on history, physical exam, and ultrasound findings we create a treatment plan that is specific to you!

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